> The LVL file in the new 32bit enviroment should be able to handleFIVE MILLION LEVELS? Hey, Jim, even how much you hate it, you have to
> 5,000,000 levels no problem, but I would hate to look at the high
> score list :)
admit it would've been cool to have a level file with five million
> I am just thinking out loud now but I think maybe 4.0 should be it,it
> except for other lanquages. And I just make add on level files for
> that can be downloaded from the web site.:(((((
Just to say it, Enigma Interactive (�xlade, me and maybe Loco) will
make the Norwegian 4.0. Kay?
But... 4.0? The LAST Laser Tank? For some days ago Keith (I think)
asked if you meant the FINAL Laser Tank when you said the final
version, but later on you said that you didn't mean that, and that
you weren't tired of Laser Tank yet...
> THEN... we start to discuss LaserTank II, We will take the bestfrom
> lasertank, get rid of the strainge logic ( blocks sliding underI think I don't like the way Laser Tank is evolving...
> tanks ), Make the levels dynamic so the size can be increased, add
> lots of goodies.
Laser Tank 2? Get rid of strange logic? Well, sounds good enough...
Dynamic levels? Well, well, I can survive that...
But I don't think this is a good idea...
It sort of destroys the old idea behind Laser Tank. Bigger levels???
WTF... It WOULD've been a bit cool... But no matters how cool it
would've been, it's wrong too.
I think maybe we would get some new fans if you made Laser Tank 2,
but I think we would lose some old.