> I should give all of you some background. Robert asked for thisan
> option because when he ws doing a long level and pressed "S" by
> accident the game would switch to the next level and all data would
> be lost. I agree this sucks, but I think we all agree the warning
> screen is more of a pain in the butt.
> Can anyone think of a salution to this problem that would protect
> accidental lost of data, but not show an anoying warning screen ??1. You could add to the Undo function that the Undo buffer is NOT
lost when you Skip level, so if you accidentally press S or P you can
still press U to go back and Undo the Skip. I don't know if this is
possible OR good at all, because if you make moves in a level and
press S to go to the next level and then makes some moves there as
well, and then press and hold U to Undo it would go to the previous
level. That again opens for a new function: Redo. I don't know if
it's possible BUT you could make that when you press Undo too long
the Undoed moves can still be Redoed back again.
This could be a little weird, so I'll leave it at that.
2. Make a enable/disable function in the Options menu. This sounds
easy, and convient. It could be enabled as default, so people that
doesn't like it can switch it off when they want, and other people
like i.e Kheper could leave it enabled.
This would be the best soultion, I think.