Thank you for your valuable
explanation. I'm sorry for causing
another misunderstanding.
I knew that you had never submitted
levels without having the solutions.
You consistently wrote your score in
the hint of every level of yours.
It's what I meant with my sentence.
Although your level has been created
according to the plan and has the
solution, you don't stop at that point.
You try to make the level more and more
difficult. Now - at this point I
shouldn't your name*) - there's
possibility that the creator cancels
the latest modification because he/she
can't solve it. He/she submits the most
difficult version of the level that
he/she can solve.
*) I used your name as I used
Kasparov's name when I talk about chess.
I'm sorry.
Kheper wrote:
> Dear Suyono,
> No offense taken.
> You say "When he had solved his
> half-baked level, he improved that
> level repeatedly until he couldn't
> solve his own level". Sorry, but
> that is not the way I proceed. I
> would not post my levels if I did
> not know how to solve them.
> I know FROM THE START how to solve
> my own levels, because I build them
> starting with the end, i.e. I plan
> an ending and slowly build the way
> to reach it. It is like building a
> house in the middle of nowhere.
> Once the house is there, I can add
> roads, other houses (deception),
> dead-ends, sky scrapers, lakes,
> parks and so on, so in the end my
> house is not evident to find with
> all this environment...but I know
> how to find it, since I live there,
> it is my home.
> Regards,
> Kheper