----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 5:00 PM
Subject: The Future of Lasertank
> > > you meane there will only be one
more lasertank?
> >
> > He meant the final Laser Tank 4.0
version, the one that won't be
> any
> > Beta version but the
full game.
> Spug is correct, I ment just Final version
> Sorry to scare every one.
> I plan to keep this program up
for a while, I have been doing it for
> 5 years or more and am not bored
of it yet. I think I have gotten to
> the point where I like the
programming as much as the playing, but I
> am sure once version 4.0 is
out I will start into the Kheper levels.
> Just think version 1
had 40 levels and I thought WOW that is a lot of
> levels for a free game,
and then there were 2000+ :)
> Since I have not heard much about
any bugs, I think I will put
> together a complete BETA version next week,
with help file, level
> file and one or two ltg files.
Have a fun weekend,
> Jim
That sound great
But will you make an
enable\disable fuction for the game in progres or will you delete it or will
you let it stay!