Per your request my recent 'bug' message, and Donald's reply, are
repeated below.
--- In Lasertank@y..., "Donald Drouin" <ducky@g...> wrote:
> It's a really interesting bug.
> In the beginner.lvl file there is a lot of levels to experiment
this bug :
> example Level 104 Ice Speedway, Level 106, 107,109,111,112,113,114,
> But as you say, it's cheating
> I will not accept a High Score done by using this bug.
> Donald Drouin
> Lasertank level manager
> lasertank@g...
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: drwiseking
> To: Lasertank@y...
> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 5:44 PM
> Subject: Bug in LaserTank 4.0.4?
> I think I've found a bug in LT 4.0.4 that allows a user to cheat
> Challenge Level 723 (and maybe others). To see this bug;
> 1. Backup your Challenge.hs file.
> 2. Load Challenge Level 723 (Time Is Money-II) into LT.
> 3. Take 1 step to the left and then 1 step up (the
> anti-tanks start shooting).
> 4. Wait a few seconds, then click on the "Save Position" button.
> 5. Click on the "Restart" button.
> 6. Click on the "Restore Position" button (the
> anti-tanks will stop shooting after 1 shot).
> 7. Take 1 step left or right to get to a flag.
> LT thinks that this level was completed with 3 Moves and 0 shots.
> DON'T FORGET TO RESTORE your original Challenge.lvl file. Is this
> bug or not?
> Harvey
--- In Lasertank@y..., "jkindley" <jkindley@p...> wrote:
> I have a little time and am going to do a cleanup of the lasertank
> code. This is a call to everyone who knows of some bugs in the
> lasertank 4.0.4 code. I don't want to do any major changes ( adding
> new objects ) but just fix any small bugs that people see.
> So please lets discuss what needs to be fixed.
> Thanks,
> Jim
> P.S. I have forgotten any bug messages sent to me in the last few
> months so repost them here :)