>It would be very interesting if the editor could allow to put bjects====================================================================
>on Tankmovers, Ice and Wormholes...and even being able to put the
>Tank on top of a movable Block, why not, since this situation can
>occur during a game. This would give more flexibility for level-
>creation and add many possibilities.
> Robert
Yes, you're absolutely right, it will be fun of beginning a game,
with the tank already moving on a tankmover or on ice. Of course, to
be logical, the supperposition should be restricted only to the
appropriate objects.
To begin with tank on water would be a really short game.
° P.S. Salut Robert, j'en profites pour te saluer en °
° français, ainsi si il y a d'autres utilisateurs qui °
° connaissent le français, il serait intéressant °
° de les connaitre. °
° °
° P.P.S. ì force de poster dans le groupe, cela me fait °
° pratiquer mon anglais, toi qui me semble bilingue, °
° est-ce que tu trouves que je m'en sors bien, °
° (je me fais aider d'un logiciel de traduction) ;o) °