spreadsheetprogram to do that. I thought I had an idea but I think
it's good for you to know that at least someone is thinking how the
Lasertank Utility Suite can be improved or programs to be added. If I
have another idea, I'll post it here. :-)
> Simeon,-
> The good news is - I understand what you want. The bad news is
> these numbers are (sorry for the bluntness) meaningless. For'already
> example, using your numbers from Message #3291, suppose that you
> re-did Level 1 and got 18 M & 11 S (vice 20 M & 15 S). Your
> done' numbers would change to 51 M & 78 S, and your 'need to do'of
> numbers would CHANGE to 100-51=49 M & 130-78=52 S. But the amount
> work that you need to do to complete the remaining levels HAS NOTList
> All of these numbers (if you still want them) can be calculated,
> by spreadsheet functions, from the (tab delimited) output of the
> High Scores Utility (LTListHS.EXE).are
> Good Luck,
> Harvey
> --- In Lasertank@y..., "tlosv" <simeonv@s...> wrote:
> > I'll try to explain. You have a personal highscore file. There
> > the scores from levels. Let's say you have this in it:of
> >
> > .hs file
> > Level 1 - 20 M & 15 S
> > Level 2 - 33 M & 67 S
> > etc.
> >
> > .ghs file
> > Level 1 - 18 M & 10 S
> > Level 2 - 33 M & 60 S
> > etc.
> >
> > The program should calculate the number of moves and the number
> > shots you've already done. So that means that it does this : 20 +also
> 33
> > from the .hs file. This means you've done 53 moves and you can
> > calculate this way that you have 82 shots. With 'moves and shotsyou've
> > you've already done' I mean the total of the moves and shots
> > done that is written in the player's .hs file. Ok, then itagain:
> calculates
> > the same thing for the .ghs file (51 M & 70 S). So here's it
> >&
> > .hs file
> > Total for all levels - 53 M & 82 S
> >
> > .ghs file
> > Total for all levels - 51 M & 70 S
> >
> > Now it can calculate the number of moves you still have to do
> > (because it's most likely you won't have solved every level). So
> > let's say that the total for all levels in the .ghs file is 100 M
> > 130 S. So then it displays that from the 100 M & 130 S, you'veat
> > already done 53 M & 82 S and that you need to do : 100-53 M &
> 130-82
> > S. Only, the highscores for this player don't match the .ghs
> scores.
> > So it could be that the calculations aren't correct if you look
> itshots
> > that way. Hmm, well, anyway. I hope you get the idea. To say it
> > simple: the program shows the total of the number of moves &
> in
> > the .ghs file & it shows the total of the number of moves & shots
> in
> > the .hs file. Then it can calculate the number of moves you still
> > need to do before you've solved every level.
> >
> > Simeon
> >
> > PS Maybe I haven't explained it very well...