> What did you do with the Record/Keyboard buffer? More recordingsteps?
> More Undo (though I think 10 000 is more than enough) steps?Nobody will probably notice the changes but:
Originally I put a "0" at the end of the record buffer list so that
when the buffer rolled over ( went over the top and had to be set
back to 0) it would know how far back it could go. Now that the
record buffer has no upper limmit ( the save recording still has a
limit of 65500, but the recording buffer has no limmit) I dont need
the "0". This ment that I could remove a lot of code and clean up the
way the routine worked. Also if a "0" gets into the playback file by
accident ( I don't know why but Khepher is having this problem) It
will not lock up the program.