I am a bit bored and, dont know what to do so im going to write how
do i make lvls to kill time.
1)I mostly always go to callenge_1,2,3 or any other file to
inspirate my self, when i finally get inspiration, i decide if it
going to be sokoban or challenge,etc.
2) I start making the end always, secret way(well isnt so secret.)
3) then i start the lvl making the start depending if the lvl guides
you or not. Then i get bored and stop.
4) the next day i think in my free time of school how could i
continue the lvl.
5) Then i make more than 50% of the lvl, using many trinks in it.
6) Then i when i finish the lvl i, decide to make the lpb, and i
start, always i got some prblms with my lvls but it dont matter, i
solve them and ready.
7) then finally i finish everything and i feel the sensation, the
great sentation of finishing smth like a book or a game.
Bye Javi