sending a new kind of smoke (neither
white or black smoke, so you couldn't
see it.)
"1"? *) Possibly, it's because the
message came from "LT 1". When Ronald
Reagan (was the "USA 1") tested his
mike, he said, "One... two... three..."
What he meant was "I... bushed... the
Speaker..." (USA 2: Vice President
George Bush (Sr.); USA 3: Speaker of the
House Tip O'Neill - a leading opponent
of the Reagan administration's domestic
and defense policies.)
*) Well, actually character "1" or "0"
is the easiest to type if the typist
using "eleven" fingers; character "f" or
"j" is the easiest if using ten fingers.
[email protected] wrote:
> What the heck is that!??!
> >
> > From: "Lasertank" <[email protected]>
> > Date: 2005/07/23 Sat AM 10:05:54 CDT
> > To: "Lasertank" <[email protected]>
> > Subject: 1
> >
> >