>I have a little time and am going to do a cleanup of the lasertankThe annoying thing is, some levels depend on bugs... there are certainly
>code. This is a call to everyone who knows of some bugs in the
>lasertank 4.0.4 code. I don't want to do any major changes ( adding
>new objects ) but just fix any small bugs that people see.
> So please lets discuss what needs to be fixed.
>P.S. I have forgotten any bug messages sent to me in the last few
>months so repost them here :)
some you can get rid of harmlessly, though. For example, the turn, get
killed, undo bug. High scores using that aren't accepted, but even so...
This message was brought to you by the same 1000 time-traveling monkeys from
whom Shakespeare plagiarized Hamqlet.
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