I'd like to see improvements to the Level Editor which is currently very primitive. Specifically, it would be useful to be able to select a rectangular section of the game board (or the entire map) and do the following:
1. drag it to a diff posn;
2. copy and then paste it (multiple times if desired, and between diff levels);
3. rotate it 90, 180, 270 deg;
4. flip it horizontally, vertically, or diagonally;
5. fill it with a specified tile (the default could be 'ground' which would effectively clear it).
I'd also like to see support for attaching a tile to the third button of the mouse, and perhaps additional buttons for other input devices. Maybe use the scroll wheel to select tiles for dropping in at the cursor posn. Perhaps, instead of being attached to a tile, the third button pops up the array of tiles for selection and adding at the posn where the cursor was when the array was called. Having a choice about how the third button is used would be even better.
That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure that there are other things we could add.
Secret Squïrrel
--- In [email protected], "wrldwzrd89" <worldwizard@...> wrote:
> What do YOU want in future versions of LaserTank? I am now accepting feature suggestions for LaserTank 5.1 (the next minor release train), as well as feature suggestions for LaserTank 6.0 (the next major release train). I will gladly take bug reports too - if any post-5.0.0 bugs are reported they will get fixed in 5.0.1, since 5.0.0 is basically code-frozen at this point, and is undergoing final testing before official release tomorrow.
> Just so we don't duplicate effort, here's what I've got planned:
> For 5.1:
> * Print GameBoard implementation
> * Cheat support (score tracking will be turned off when cheats are used)
> For 6.0:
> * Total rewrite in Python (which version of Python TBD)
> * Support for input devices other than keyboards, mice, and trackpads to control game play