my question---why is it that to solve some other levels you can walk
up to an antitank covered flag and not get shot but indeed win? What
dictates this rule that sets the principle of weather you get shot or
not? I can't think of the other levels that allow you to do this
without tankmover, ice or thin ice being involved but I do know they
are there.
--- In [email protected], Suyono <suyonohy@d...> wrote:
> Hi Mick,
> I may not say something specific that
> can make 'To Aqui' upset. If you can't
> destroy the anti-tank, you can reach
> the flag from 'tank mover', 'ice', or
> 'thin ice'. While your tank is riding or
> sliding, there must be ANOTHER anti-tank
> (with higher shooting priority) sees
> your tank and shoots (not to close, so
> your tank is safe.) Putting that another
> anti-tank is part of your task. In this
> scenario, the flag watcher anti-tank has
> no chance to shoot.
> Have fun, Mick.
> Regards,
> Suyono