Suggestions? Only to keep encouraging the regular contributers, eg. AL, Ihab, aj, Sqir, Laserloopy, Baumann Eduard, Foudlaser, Yono, Jay, Gary, Tina, Razorflame and many, many others. They've done a wonderful job keeping things going over the last 3 yrs, and I'm sure they'll continue playing (I'd like to highlight one or two of them but I won't). There's also new players who appear from time to time like Kinetikai. The important question is will the level of activity reduce any more?
As for me, it's normally two months playing, then two months not playing. It's the middle of a 'not playing' period right now. Hope to be back in January.
Maenwhile I'm waiting for some levels to be solved!
--- In [email protected], "donald_drouin" <donald_drouin@...> wrote:
> Are you still a LaserTank player?
> I receive less new levels from the levels creators,
> less solutions for the new (and old) levels.
> less high score from the GHS hunters
> less messages about LaserTank matter.
> I know LaserTank is an old game but maybe some of you have solutions in order to revive LaserTank
> Thanks to all for your help and interest.
> Donald Drouin
> LaserTank manager