Hi Gerry, Suyono
is right, LT40_import.exe is the tool you need.
Here's how to rebuild any .hs file and rename your old LPB files to match the moved levels.
from the
More Download / Applications section of the Lasertank Web Site.
In order to rebuild your Sokoban-I.hs file and Sokoban-I_xxxx.lpb files,
create a directory named Sokoban-I
and put Sokoban-I.lvl and LT-40_Import.exe into it.
Run LT-40_Import.exe, click on Open File and select Sokoban-I.
Click on Import LPB and select the directory where your LPB
files are stored.
The program will scan the LPB and extract those corresponding to Sokoban-I levels
At the end, you got your new Sokoban-I LPB files and Sokoban-I.hs file.
If you can't do it, just zip
all your LPB files and send them to me.
I'll process them and I'll send them
back to you.
P.S. I can do the same thing for anyone who will ask