more of it. The learning curve is pretty steep but worth it. I've
been playing computer games since the first Space Invaders on the
Apple and this is one of the best.
--- In [email protected], Suyono <suyonohy@d...> wrote:
> 1) Only one laser beam on the board.
> If one anti-tank has shot, no other
> anti-tank can shoot while the laser
> beam is still traveling.
> 2) If more than one anti-tanks see
> the tank at the same time, only one
> anti-tank - with the highest shooting
> priority - will shoot. The order is:
> Leftward, Rightward, Upward, and
> Downward Anti-tanks.
> 3) The laser beam needs time to travel,
> so it can miss the moving/sliding tank
> if it's too far.
> See the LEVEL attached.
> About tank mover at row 16:
> If the tank jumps onto the mover at
> the even squares (the distance from
> the shooting anti-tank) the laser will
> pass through the tank. If the tank
> jumps onto the mover at the odd squares
> the laser will hit the tank. (The first
> case: laser moves to square X which is
> empty, followed by tank moves safely to
> square X. The second case: laser moves
> to square X-1, followed by tank moves
> to square X; in the next event time,
> laser moves to square X and hits the
> tank.)
> See the LEVEL attached: The squares
> D16, F16, H16, J16, L16, N16, and P16
> are the odd squares.
> How about M16 and O16? Even squares.
> However, the laser beam hits the right
> wall (after P16), so the other
> anti-tanks (A12, A13, A14, and A15)
> can get their turn to shoot.
> Bye,
> Suyono
> PS: Attachment in two formats: zip and
> Text-Converted.
> -----BEGIN FILE-----
> File :
> Comments : Decode this text using
> Text-Converter.exe Ver. 1.03 or 1.04.
> Then unzip it to get Anti-tanks.LVL.
> Size : 449
> ehD0pNIqVVp68NLjlqZmsW5KJh767/sm7oJCh2TI
> zLyPiV4orYZDNdDJQEKnSidoJTobSiw0CpyejpEl
> UqfxKHXXzzRqfUloqCwRcJ6jHqDsZ6iiHkziPG31
> dNKLc93qaRjLHLBOT8scMFBzYYhg1u2H1LvhyyfE
> L2/5ccPIj9HpXWy66GdvFTMFa6hqQv0QqubI14Dl
> ZE7LPX06w80oEBsTwYIb36frsqDtpKBX3OW0oDXu
> bhoZbJ0LTB/nQHUYwcI5+qo8SKvZnFYuWKDQv1Ys
> IvxxJnxbMdn6YI2nH187X4dfaFxkIbIpyzlxdTJ4
> v5RYcldOoq0xXLTmBZ1qZsOAPJXYbCPpWdKuxJJ7
> 6935YOm7YuPHtHZnDwXGX+NPRUKpd9c4qhvaHsNY
> -----END FILE-----
> rich12545 wrote:
> >
> > Well, I've been going through the
> > tutorial and am still confused
> > about these things. Sometimes they
> > fire, sometimes they don't.
> > Sometimes they hit my tank, sometimes
> > they don't. Is there something
> > written up on them like the tunnels
> > help?
> >
> > Also, is there any way to slow down
> > movement so I can better follow
> > the sequence to understand what's
> > going on?
> >
> > Thanks very much.