Please, all those that have not yet made it,, you would be kind to send a short message.
It will be interesting to know how many users are still coming here
p.s. nobody's posting anymore! this group is dying out..everyone who
is a member should post a message about something.. or anything!__
We are 148 members now, and probably that there is also a good quantity of visitors too.Some of you, read the messages each day, others each week, and some others, once in a while.
Here is what i wish that you do :
All of you that have read this message,
please answer this post with a short message like the following example :
Hi,My name is XXXXX(I come to this group) or (i read message by e-mail), (each day), (each week), (once in a while) or else.(It is my first post) or (I have already post about XX messages)
Thank you very much for your cooperation.DonaldP.S. I will compile all the answers (if you contribute) and i will post the result in a week or two (to let to everybody a chance to answer)