> Nordheim / Neckar, Germany, 06. April 2001Yes I could but I would prefer not too.
> Dear Mr. Kindley.
> There is one thing I do not like in temp LT40_006.LVL.
> If I beat the global high-score, it will be overwritten by my new
> high-score, so I can not see the old global high score (o.k. I can
> look in the temp LT40_006.csv, but that costs too much time to
> compare both lists).
> Is it possible to reprogram the global high-score function ?
> May be in a way that a local high score that is better than theIt would be an easy change to not check the GHS when when a new High
> global high-score is displayed in a different colour, or in fat
> letters or something else and does not overwrite the global high-
> score?
Score is set. It is actually just removing the code that does the
You would have to keep track of the scores you beat by your self. I
don't really want to scan & compare all HS & GHS during the Global
High Score Window opening. Though I could do it.
What does everyone else think ????
P.S. I was thinking of making the HS & GHS windows color coded like
the Load Level.