--- In [email protected], "lfe_7413" <sahandasanayaka@...> wrote:
> Good. Now it'll be playable. On a related note, I noticed that the display refreshes after every movement of an object or laser. In LT4 it only happens once every time step (animation seems to be handled separately). Maybe it's a deliberate change by you.
> I can't skip levels either.
> --- In [email protected], "wrldwzrd89" <worldwizard@> wrote:
> >
> > Update: The cause of this problem has been found and fixed. What I did was this: I altered the way the movement/laser processor thread works so that it only runs when it's actually needed, and quits when it has nothing to do. This change DRAMATICALLY reduces the game's CPU usage in game mode, as desired.
Re: LaserTank in Java - It's RAID Time (Bug Fixes)
From wrldwzrd89 at 2010-10-20 23:57:30