CNET User Opinions is:
85% Thumbs Up and 15% Thumbs Down (61 votes).
There were 51 reviews (43 Positives, 8 Negatives.)
After a few days there were additional 6 new votes
for Thumbs Up; 5 of them wrote Positive reviews,
so the new stat is:
87% Thumbs Up and 13% Thumbs Down (67 votes.)
48 Positive reviews and 8 Negative reviews (56
Can we push a little bit to reach 90% Thumbs Up?
(So Steve's wish comes true.)
I learned a few things about LT in the reviews
written by the voters. Please, visit:
Suyono wrote:
> CNET User Opinions.
> LaserTank gets 85% Thumbs Up and 15% Thumbs Down.
> Enthusiastic LaserTankers are encouraged to vote
> because many strange players who don't know about
> LaserTank gave negative reviews. People are free
> to give dissenting opinions, but comments like,
> "Dont download this, cause it doesnt work" are
> not healthy. Another negative opinion is, "This
> game is hard to play. Installation was easy, but
> when you try to play it is vary hard to get
> through the first level."
> I wrote this because to few LaserTankers
> expressed their opinions in 2004. There are: 22
> reviews in 2002; 26 reviews in 2003; but only 3
> reviews in 2004. (Total 51 reviews.)
> How about year 2005? You may visit this to vote:
> At least, you can read some reviews made by our
> friends. (Some good "essays" too.)
> Bye,
> Suyono
> PS: Steve also wrote about this "CNET User
> Opinions" more than one and a half years ago.
> About four months later, wulfbear also wrote
> about it in this forum.