BRAVO with the "Twin Counter". The number of moves must be in the same
order with your calculation. It can be multiplied by 17/16 if you change
the flag with the bricks and put the flag one tile down (at I15), so the
est. > 2 mil. I haven't seen any shortcut so far.
About the "TC IceTry": I made the LPB using Hex Editor. The level needs
less than 8000 moves, assuming the tank doesn't slide on ice. (Your hint
says, "Ice in the tank tracks for testing only.") If the tank may play
on the ice, the score is 29 / 12 to reach the flag.
miqulka wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> "Super Game" (#254 in special.lvl) looked like having reserves
> regarding the number of moves.
> I gave it a try and made this level at the weekend.
> I hope some of you will have time for checking it
> for shortcuts and for correctness of the calculation
> on the number of moves:
> approx. 16*143*154*11/2 = 1,937,936 moves
> Level 1 is an easier version for testers.
> Level 2 is deadly deadly.
> regards
> m