-Are we exchanging our knowledge?
-Answer is yes.
-Is it about levels,?
-Excuse me but I am not quite shore about that.!
I reed messages on this web site and I find that we exchanging many
interesting things, like: what name: Kheper means in old Egyptian
leangviges ?. I speciali like this message becouse I have big
knowledge about Ancient Egyptian and I know much more about this.
Than massage about: File conversion to text; then: Beating HS; or
Gumpism; and many more messages like this. All of them are
interesting and I really like to reed them but nobody write about any
particulary level at all.
Only when someone need help becouse he/she can solve level. In this
case I olready sugest site from were members can download help file
for particular level. In some message we can find some simple
explanation, something like:" how to push block on ice or in watter"
etc. For me this is just tehnical explanation for beginners.
Nobody is ready to write something more.
All in this group thinking that someone can steal his/her best GHS if
anybody see them. OK I am ready to understand that and accept opinion
of the group.
Becouse of that I try, just one more time to explain my self and
sugest something that will refresh this site and I promise that after
this I wont disturb members of this site any more.
Can we see even the worst lpb.file. But only if they are useful and
show us something like: diferent way to make the score. In this case
for first time we shell be in situation to start conversation about
I only hope that you finaly understand that I don't race the best
GHS. As I write before I already have one. Best or worse score
dosen't matter to me just let as for first time write something about
particular level and how to solve them. Or somethin like that.
This is on Moderator to refreshing this site.
p.s. My english is not good enough, please don't lose patience.
Bye Vannesa
--- In [email protected], "chdvl" <w.a.de.vries@h...> wrote:
> Hi Vanessa,
> Exchanging knowledge between lvl creators(or people who are going te
> be) is a very good thing. I think this already happens (?)
> But I agree with Yono that's it is best
> that someone keeps trying to optimize his/her own solution until
> either he/she is happy with his/her own (solution) or he/she is able
> to beat the current GHS.
> If people only can beat a ghs with the solution of someone else,
> altogether not their own thinking that leads them to a new ghs
> And it is nice that Yono quote's Laser_jay:
> "The best way to get a GHS is to solve a level that has been
> for at least two months."
> It works for me,(for lvl's I couldn't solve)
> leaving a lvl as it is for some time, then try again.
> But my question is: Does it really matter if you can't solve a lvl,
> or your solution is about 100 moves more then the ghs??
> I don't think so.In my case there are several lvl's I even don't
> to solve because I don't like them.
> Bye Tina
> --- In [email protected], "Vanesa" <akord001@y...> wrote:
> > --- In [email protected], "Suyono H. Yaphar"
> > wrote:
> >
> > >
> >
> > Hi,
> > I write same message at 07:09 pm but I make one mistake:
> > I am author and I own best GHS in level 1132 not in 1123.
> >
> > Vanessa
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > Belive me I don't wish to see best GHS just becouse I wish to
> > best GHS.
> > Once I already own best GHS in level 1132, maybe becouse I am
> > for this level.
> > True, now someone else have best score for this level. But even
> > I hold best score I wonder: what's a point? Nobody can see this.
> > I know, If I allowed someone to see my best solution, he/she
> > can optimize that current best solution and then submit the new
> > solution. Maybe he/she just steals the GHS award.
> > But I perfer to think that everybody learn something from this.
> > in my case I will be curiosity to see where he/she find shortcut
> > my best score.
> > I don't need aword just becouse I hold best GHS. For me this is
> > mind game and members should learn something from our best GHS.
> > like this we shell have much more authors and many good levels in
> > future. But if we don't exchange ours knowledge this game will
> > standing.
> > After all what we can loos,? just ours initials from GHS. This is
> > industrial patent this is a game. If we wish more good levels and
> > much more members and visitors this site must give us something
> > maybe best GHS.
> > And all you holder of GHS don,t have reason to worry becouse you
> > the best players and time will show that you shell keep your best
> > even if everibody who already solve your level see your lpb.best
> > file.
> > I really like to know what holders of GHS feel about this.
> >
> > p.s. My english is not good enough, please don't lose patience.
> >
> > Vanessa