Harvey Solomon has been updated
2. Deleted the LTCmpGHS.exe program. This program was moved to the LaserTank Developer's Utility Suite (Version 3.0.0).
3. Added the capability to use a Data Input (.Inp) file to specify a set of (one or more) input Levels files in LTLCStat.exe (and the new LTLRStat.exe). See the ReadMe.TXT file.
4. Included an example/template Data Input (.Inp) file (LTUSData.Inp) in the LT-US.ZIP archive. Before using this file, you will probably have to change its "Line 1" data to the path to your LaserTank Levels files - see the "Description of Data Input (.Inp) Files" and "Installation and Removal of the LTUS" sections of the ReadMe.TXT file.