> Rating a level ain't an easy thing. When I create, I have to rateit
> myself because I have nobody else to let it play ( or I have tohe/she
> submitt it to this group ). The creator knows the solution but
> has to think how tough the level is if you don't know the solution(
> yet ). However, we have a tempfile to change the overestimatedsometimes
> ratings ( or NR ). It's ok if you want to add the text but
> the rated ain't really true like with sokobanlevels. Take a look atIt's
> level 1248 ( Unmovable 5 - Andy C. - Medium ) in LaserTank.lvl.
> medium but this level only has this rating because it's long, youcan
> see the solution when you start. I've solved this level the firsttry.
> Anyway, rating a level ain't easy if you ( as a creator ) alreadyAlso In the old days I rated any level that was over 2000 moves as
> know the solution.
> Simeon / The Little One
DEADLY. Not because it is hard but because it is Painfull to play ;)