this is my first post on the site, hello to everyone else. I wish to
thank you all for the marvelous job you have done with this program.
I have spent many hours sitting here in frount of my computer
puzzling my way through the convaluted logic of these games. It keeps
the old mind active. No way have I mastered all of them but is is fun
to finish one and find that I'm 30 moves and 60 shots over the posted
high score. Guess my mind isn't as complex as a lot of yours. Keep up
the good work and keep an old man out of trouble with the wife.
gofarman (sierkahn)
--- In [email protected], <mzapdoswi@...> wrote:
> Does nobody at all want to say hello to an old friend? How rude!
I would have never thought that people would just ignore an old
member like this! Shame on you!
> Cheers,
> Razorflame
> ---- mzapdoswi@... wrote:
> > This is just Razorflame letting everyone know that I am back and
am going to be submitting many levels for all to enjoy :P Not all of
them will get into the level files though, just have to check in on
Razorflame-Extra.lvl now and again :P
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Razorflame