Donald solution is the best and the
fastest solution. It's still acceptable
even if you put many other level sets in
the same directory. The search will also
include the matches in the hints. If you
get more than one level set, just open
all of them.
How about this:
"Levels_Name.txt" - a file that we can
download from LT website - is the only
file that has all LT level names.
Unfortunately, there's no level set name
that the level is in. Do you think the
level set name inclusion in the file
will help? Therefore, the format is
something like this:
A list of all the names already used for the levels.
Please choose different names.
!!!Triumph¡¡¡ Challenge-III 0189
!? Sokoban-I 0691
!Infinite! Beginner-I 0669
!Sokoban! 1 Sokoban-II 0589
!|Square|! Beginner-I 0684
" T " Beginner-I 1453
"0" LaserTank 1650
Donald Drouin wrote:
> Hi Gerry,
> 1. Click on the Start at bottom left
> corner of screen
> 2. Click on Find
> 3. Select the Find Files or Folders
> 4. Type *.lvl at the first line.
> 5. Type the Level name you want to
> find at the second line.
> 6. Click on Browse and find the
> directory where your Level files are
> stored.
> 7. You may uncheck Include Subfolders.
> 8. Click on Find Now.
> Regards
> Donald
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Gerry W
> To: [email protected]
> Sent: Saturday, December 03, 2005 1:50
> PM
> Subject: [LaserTank] level names
> Is there a way to find which level
> directory a level is in when you only
> have the name? For example: I want to
> look at the level Parking Garage by
> Suyono, and I don't want to open every
> level file and do a search. Gerry