DOING THIS ! ! ! BETA12 is like it sais BETA software, it has no
level files and no help file. I am already getting e-mail form people
saying "I started your game and I got Loading error" which is because
the file dos not have a level file with it.
Whoever did this MUST undo this mess up, and fast. I hope when the
game is done we will be allowed to upload the file then.
P.S. I thought this was clear but let me restate it. I OWN ALL BETA
COPIES of lasertank, only the final version is Freeware ( well
actually helpware ) Do NOT distrubute any of the BETA products ( this
includes the editors ). I don't want to sound mad but it takes a lot
of time to manage the real lasertank game and if I am getting e-mails
because people are downloading an incomplete version of the game,
this will take a lot of time away from me. Also the persone
downloading the game will probably never play it again.