I have searched the archive to get an idea how to solve level 1026
(Rush hour VI) as I have ABSOLUTELY no idea how to reach the flag.
Even if I can close the water hole in position L6 with the movable
block and thereby create an entrance to the flag room - how can I
enter the entrance? None of the anti-tanks or the movable mirrors or
anything else in this level can be positioned at M7 which would be
necessary to prevent my tank running down the complete tank
mover...!?! Does anybody have an idea?
In some posts of the archive I have already found some comments about
level 1026, e.g. post 1095 and 1098. I also do not believe that
Mikulka would intentionally add an unsolvable level to this game but
maybe, just maybe he might have made a little mistake in the creation
of level 1026...? In my very personal opinion this level has no
regular solution; this level seems to be solvable only if there are
any tricks or cheats I do not know until now...
I would be pleased about comments from anybody in this discussion
forum or, if preferred, send emails directly to [email protected]. Greets
to all LaserTank fans all over the world - it's really one of the
greatest games ever made! Bye for now, Thorsten
P.S.: Are any german Laser Tank fans in this forum? - Gibt's hier
Laser Tank Fans aus Deutschland? Komme aus Hannover.