> :Dexcept
> I'm going to submit LaserTank to a Scandinavian Computer Magazine
> named Komputer for Alle (Computer for all / everybody),
> http://www.komputerforalle.dk (Danish site, just so you can see its
> home page (it didn't have any Norwegian site unfortunately...
> http://www.komputerforalle.com , but that was only about Customerin
> Support)).
> Hopefully they will accept it and add it on their CD-ROM included
> the magazine (the KCD :P), and thus gain Laser Tank LOTS ofCool by me !!
> Scandinavian fans. Hopefully.
> Jim, if you don't want your game included in this magazine, scream
> out now and I won't submit it.
> Spug
Lasertank 3.1 was in a couple of magazines, And I have never received
a bad review of the game.