Well, it’s not so big anymore, I can’t figure out how to start. What I'm doing is trying to create a spreadsheet that will determine a player’s skill by entering certain data. The data I was thinking about using was moves and shots, but not all levels take the same amount of moves/shots so this wouldn’t work. I need some suggestions on data that could be used to determine a player’s level of skill after several levels have been beaten (probably a whole .lvl file (not the official one with over 2000 levels) just one’s that users make with their own levels). With this spreadsheet, users will be able to send each other their own lvl files and play them to try to beat their skill points and skill level, this way it can be a sort of competition. And whoever has the highest skill level/points at the end of the competition could have their name under “best player for *name of lvl file here*:” on the laser tank group or web page. Although it might sound nice, I first need some help on what data could be most important for finding out the skill level of a player. Thank you all for the help!