the scores from levels. Let's say you have this in it:
.hs file
Level 1 - 20 M & 15 S
Level 2 - 33 M & 67 S
.ghs file
Level 1 - 18 M & 10 S
Level 2 - 33 M & 60 S
The program should calculate the number of moves and the number of
shots you've already done. So that means that it does this : 20 + 33
from the .hs file. This means you've done 53 moves and you can also
calculate this way that you have 82 shots. With 'moves and shots
you've already done' I mean the total of the moves and shots you've
done that is written in the player's .hs file. Ok, then it calculates
the same thing for the .ghs file (51 M & 70 S). So here's it again:
.hs file
Total for all levels - 53 M & 82 S
.ghs file
Total for all levels - 51 M & 70 S
Now it can calculate the number of moves you still have to do
(because it's most likely you won't have solved every level). So
let's say that the total for all levels in the .ghs file is 100 M &
130 S. So then it displays that from the 100 M & 130 S, you've
already done 53 M & 82 S and that you need to do : 100-53 M & 130-82
S. Only, the highscores for this player don't match the .ghs scores.
So it could be that the calculations aren't correct if you look at it
that way. Hmm, well, anyway. I hope you get the idea. To say it
simple: the program shows the total of the number of moves & shots in
the .ghs file & it shows the total of the number of moves & shots in
the .hs file. Then it can calculate the number of moves you still
need to do before you've solved every level.
PS Maybe I haven't explained it very well...
> Simeon,
> What do you mean by the "number of moves or shots you've
> already done"? Why do you need/want it?
> Harvey
> --- In Lasertank@y..., "tlosv" <simeonv@s...> wrote:
> > That's also good, calculating it in a spreadsheet program. But
> maybe
> > it would be nice to know the number of moves or shots you've
> already
> > done easily :-)
> >
> > Simeon / TLO