I�m sorry that in my previous reply I missed part of your message, ��& that's why i was wondering how to convert the txt version of a playback back to the lpb format. it would take about 9 hours to record an lpb for this level using laser tank.�
Writing a text version of a playback file will take longer time than playing the tank. If the steps are repetitive, probably the following procedure will work:
1. Play and record the game for one cycle or any number of steps you want.
2. �Save recording� by pressing F6. The playback file is ended with the last turn/move/shot regardless whether the tank has reached the flag or not. Call it as �FILE1�.
3. Use a small program to create a text file that contains all the steps (not more than 65,500). �Enter� (= �Carriage return� + �Line feed�) at the end is not allowed. Call it as �FILE2�. This file contains �Space�, %, &, �, and ( only, so it is printable. (The ASCII numbers of them are: 32, 37, 38, 39, and 40, respectively.) --- If the steps are repetitive, �type, copy, and paste� can be used.
4. Count the number of characters in �FILE2�. (Any word processor will do.) Translate the number into a base 256 number. (Now you have MSD and LSD.) Use a Hex Editor (or whatever) to edit �FILE1�, i.e. change the 66th character with new MSD and the 65th character with new LSD.
5. Still with the Hex Editor on �FILE1�, delete all characters after the 66th character.
6. Merge �FILE1� and �FILE2�. Now, you have a good playback file.
Probably you have a better idea, nevertheless the above procedure can be considered as one possibility.
Suyono H. Yaphar
PS: By making the playback file this way, you can easily
beat Mikulka�s record. Set your trinary counter (is it the same with ternary
counter?) to the upper limit permitted by LaserTank, and then make the
playback file. Later, the GHS hunters should make the playback file the
same way.
Stephen Ryan wrote: