the GHS initials? The logical answer is the HS initials but I've
always left that blank and entered "LFE" as the recording name.
Does Donald update the GHS files by using a program to automatically
transfer the HS initials (or recording name) from the LPB file, or is
it done manually. If it's done automatically, then I might need to
start entering "LFE" for my HS initials. So what does Donald prefer?
--- In [email protected], Suyono <suyonohy@...> wrote:
> Hi LFE,
> In LaserTank.ini:
> .
> .
> Record Author=
> Player=
> .
> .
> Record Author: You are asked to enter your name when
> you win the first game in a session and "Record Game"
> is "ON", max 25 characters. (Many players -including
> me- enter their initial!)
> Player: You are asked to enter your initial when you
> break the high score, max 4 characters. It's the
> initial that's used in the HS file.
> LaserTank.exe concatenates the two entries,
> separated by a hyphen (-). Example:
> Record Author=who votes for Hillary
> Player=Bill
> When you replay the lpb (using F7), there'll be
> shown, "Recorded by Bill-who votes for Hillary".
> If you check the HS file (by typing "V"), the HS
> holder is just "Bill".