solution!!!!!! I can now sleep at night thanks to you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<This is my first post, so be kind to me.) Firstly, I just got this
game today and this is a great game and I appreciate its being free.
Now... sorry if this is a bad place to post, I need help with Level
184, Fort Knoxious (becoming obnoxious). For the life of me I cannot
figure out one step of this puzzle can anyone point me to the right
direction? Should I email the author of the puzzle? I would but
often emails go unanswered. I can fill the bridge easily but the
anti-tank that needs to go to O-9 seems impossible to get there
because of the mirror that has to be placed right above it. I'm sure
I'll feel stupid when I see the answer, but it's a mental block
right now. (I can send a playback file to display my dilemma.) Is
there some trick involved? Can anyone send me a playback file?
Ps. please send to a different email address than
[email protected], you can send to [email protected]
--- In [email protected], <mzapdoswi@t...> wrote:
> No, we cannot send you the lpb for the file since it says that IN
BIG LETTERS ON THE HOMEPAGE that lpb's are never given out to anyone.
> Thanks,
> Razorflame
> >
> > From: "lansinghunt" <lansinghunt@y...>
> > Date: 2004/11/10 Wed PM 04:10:08 CST
> > To: [email protected]
> > Subject: Need help with Level 184
> >
> >