> Up untill now I have had the lt4setup.exe program on a server thatplace
> had unlimmited bandwith, but I am about to loose it. I will still
> have the Lasertank WEBsite on www.jccontrols.net, but I need a
> to put the setup program. In the past I have seen trafic up to 800Mout
> per month transfer. Now that the program has been out for a whyle I
> am sure the traffic is much lower but I do not want to go over the
> 500M limit that the JCControls site will have.
> Any help would be appreciated. I know there are free web hosting
> there but most of them want to put adds on the pages and would notbe
> happy if I only used them as a place for downloading the game.This means that all places that have links to the program
> Jim
(gamehippo.com, etc.) will have broken links. I don't know about any
hosting services that are permenantly good, but if we do find one we
should at least keep the iongauge.net URL, which should redirect
downloaders to the new address.
and the program is still not posted on Download.com -- if it was,
we'd be probably getting twice as much traffic as we are getting now.
If any changes in the lt4setup.exe URL take place, then I will try
again to post the program (3rd try now) on that website if there are
no objections :)