No, as a rule, it won't change the .hs file which is your personal scores. However, if a level has been modified (like Sok-II 677 was a few hours ago) then it will delete your score for that level. This is because your score will not be relevant to the changed level. You will need to solve the now changed level to recreate your score (but see below).
The program will also ask you if you wish to delete your recorded playback file (.lpb) since it will be likely that it will no longer work with the changed level. I always choose the "Don't delete this or any other" option as usually the first part of the LPB will still work. LTUpdate will generate a text-file report at the end which will list any changes made.
You can then try your old LPB and see if it still works with the modified level. The quickest way is to load the level and press F8. This sometimes causes LT to crash but at least you know that you need to amend your LPB! Usually it will complete and you'll get the "You're dead" message which means that at some point during the rapid playback you ran over water or in front of an AT.
Then what you need to do is replay your LPB again but at a controlled speed using F7. When you get to the point where you run up against a modification, you can stop the playback and start to solve the level again. Don't forget to turn recording back on (F5 - it will tell you up the top whether it's on or not).
Hope that helps.
Secret Squïrrel
--- In [email protected], "cleverspots" <cleverspots@...> wrote:
> Thank you. I downloaded the update folder and extracted it. However, before I add it to my LaserTank 4.1, I wanted to ask... it won't delete my existing personal scores, will it?