Its been almost 2 months since my last message, so you may want to
refer to Message No's 2086 & 2116 to refresh your memories. I have
written 3 LaserTank High Scores utilities (by golly I have a
Utilities SUITE!!). They are (from the comments in their source code
; LaserTank Levels Completion Statistics Utility (LTLCStat).
; This (program) computes the Levels completion statistics of a
; user selected input LaserTank Levels file, e.g., InFile.lvl. The
; High Scores file for Infile.lvl, InFile.hs, must exist in the same
; folder. The output of this program is a table containing; the
; number of levels, the number of levels completed, the number of
; levels not completed; and the percent of levels completed, for; All
; of the (not deleted) levels, and each difficulty category of levels
; (i.e., Kids, Easy, Medium, Hard, Deadly and NR). This output is
; displayed on the screen, and the user presented with (limited)
; options to either; copy it to the Windows Clipboard (replacing its
; contents), or copy (or append) it to the LTLCSOut.TXT file in the
; same folder as the InFile.lvl file. This text file is created if
; it doesn't exist. CAUTION: This program assumes that files with
; .hs and .lvl extensions are valid LaserTank High Scores and Levels
; files, respectively.
; LaserTank Delete High Scores Utility (LTDelHS).
; This (program) deletes High Scores from a user selected input
; LaserTank High Scores file, e.g., InFile.hs. It has two modes of
; operation; (1) Individually delete the High Scores of user selected
; levels in InFile.hs, and (2) Delete the High Scores of all of the ;
; Deleted levels in InFile.hs. For mode 2, the LaserTank Levels file
; corresponding to InFile.hs, InFile.lvl, must exist in the same
; folder as InFile.hs. CAUTION 1: This program assumes that files
; with .hs and .lvl extensions are valid LaserTank High Scores and
; Levels files, respectively. CAUTION 2: To be completely safe, ;
; backup the input High Scores file (InFile.hs) when prompted to do
; so, or before running this program.
; LaserTank Copy High Scores Utility (LTCopyHS).
; This (program) copies the "better" High Scores (see below) of a
; user selected input LaserTank Levels file, e.g., InFile.lvl, to a
; user selected output LaserTank Levels file, e.g., OutFile.lvl. The
; High Scores data for these files are in the InFile.hs and
; OutFile.hs files, respectively. The InFile.hs file must exist in
; the same folder as the InFile.lvl file. If the OutFile.hs file
; doesn't exist in the folder containing the OutFile.lvl file, it
; will be created (if necessary).
; For InFile.lvl and OutFile.lvl levels with matching "playfield"
; definitions, the InFile.lvl High Score is "better" (and optionally
; copied to OutFile.hs) if it has fewer moves, or, if the moves are
;;equal, it has fewer shots. The InFile.lvl High Score is always
; "better" than a matching OutFile.lvl level that is not completed
; (i.e, its number of moves is 0 or 'null'). If two or more levels
; of OutFile.lvl match an InFile.lvl level, only the first (lowest
; numbered) one is considered.
; CAUTION 1: This program assumes that files with .hs and .lvl
; extensions are valid LaserTank High Scores and Levels files,
; respectively. CAUTION 2: To be completely safe, backup the output
; High Scores file (e.g., OutFile.hs) when prompted to do so, or
; before running this program.
As I said (ref. Message #2116) these programs were written in
WinBatch (ref. Good News: I now have access to
a WinBatch compiler so these programs are stand-alone Windows (any
32-bit version) applications (.EXE files). Hence, they can be
uploaded (alone with 2 required DLLs) for use by anyone in the Group.
However, before I upload them, I have a few questions.
Q1 (for Jim/Donald): Do you think anyone would be interested in
these programs? (If not the other questions are moot.)
Q2 (for Donald): The LTLCStat and LTDelHS programs recognize a
'deleted' level iff (if & only if); (1) it is Not Rated (i.e., the
574-th byte in its .lvl fileentry is a 0 or 'null'), AND (2) its name
is "Deleted Level <n>" (w/o the quotes, but case sensitive) where <n>
is the level's number. Is this the 'standard' way to define deleted
levels? If not, what other methods are/will be used?
Q3 (for Jim): I consider these programs to be freeware as long as
LaserTank is freeware. However, if LaserTank ever becomes a
commercial/shareware product (e.g., do you have any idea how much its
going to cost you to send 2 kids to college?), I would
expect fair compensation for their use. Is this OK with you?
Q4 (for Jim): As I said in Message #2116, the WinBatch source code
files for these programs are only usefull if you have WinBatch (ver.
2000B or later). Do you want me to upload them (along with the EXEs)