If someone writes a group message, others who have the same interest, or know about it, will response. Thus, if someone brings up a particular level, I think others will response as usual. However, we can't dissect other's level in the open forum without damaging the level. The level will lose its magic. Remember what Steve (Stephen Ryan) wrote, �Some levels seems like magic (the David Copperfield type of magic, not the Lord of the Rings type of magic). ... Generally, being given the solution is unsatisfying. Sound familiar? The magic is in the mystery, not the solution.� Perhaps, if the level author himself/herself who brings up his/her own, such discussion can start. Other possibility is bilateral discussion between two users. Wulfbear offered such discussion to you.
Your level (LT #1132) was rated as �Medium� with �V.P.� (you) as the GHS holder (90 moves & 78 shots). Early this year, it was re-rated as �Hard� by �Iron� (86 moves & 78 shots). There are four moves in question. Where do they come from? There are too many possibilities in answering your question without seeing your playback file. Many of LT users will gladly help if you like. (We are not better solvers but many heads are usually give better chances.) Wulfbear already did offer such help.
Seeing the scores, I can tell that the two solutions are basically the same except some minor things like: 1) your tank goes one or two steps to do something and comes back, while his/her tank do it at other time in the fly, 2) your tank doesn't use the tank mover (there is no ice or tunnel) when it's possible, 3) inefficient block pushing {especially when two or more blocks should be pushed �simultaneously�}, 4) you shoot directly while you can shoot indirectly {using mirror} from different place, etc.
Sometimes resources are hidden. I made one example of this. (�Path less traveled�, which I put in my test message to Tina.)
I hope you feel at home in this discussion group.
Suyono H. Yaphar
Vanesa wrote: