fun. In every of my t-levels, I always
need more space for the hint, so
condensing the hint to fit in the hint
box can be an interesting work.
The built-in editor of LaserTank.exe
allows us a very small hint box. We
can't write more than six lines in it.
Therefore, I use a separate LT editor,
"ltedit40.exe". It's a utility program
made by Jim Kindley and can be
downloaded from the LT website. We can
write as many lines we want, as long as
the number of characters is less than
255. (<= 254.)
I write the hint using "MS Word", so I
can use the "Tools" -> "Word Count ...".
If "Characters (with spaces)" = "X" and
"Paragraphs" = "Y", then "X + 2*(Y+Z-1)
<=254" must be reached. "Z" is the
number of empty lines. The use of "2*"
is because one "Enter" needs one
"carriage return" and one "line feed".
The use of "-1" is because there is no
"Enter" at the end of the last
Usually the editing starts with the
concept priority, then rephrasing.
Finally, contracting words, removing
punctuation marks, etc.
("234 moves & 56 shots" ->
"234 mv & 56 sh." -> "234 / 56." ->
Sometimes there is "hint" editing in the
"ltedit40.exe". A long time ago, after
the editing, I saved and exited the
level. I saw the hint in LT board (of
LaserTank.exe) to check whether the
editor chopped the hint or not. If the
hint was cutoff, I came back to the
editor. Later, I found the trick to
avoid this. After I finished editing the
hint, I clicked on the current level
line in the "Level List" box. The hint
box showed the new hint. (If the hint
was too long, it was cutoff.) (Just
saving the level didn't show the
If I want to see how many more
characters can be added into the hint
box, I add characters like,
"########################" at the end of
the hint. I click on the current level
line in the "Level List" box. Then I see
how many "#"s left in the hint box. (I
don't count them; I just need to know
how long I can add the hint