I guess your idea for the Editor was that when you clicked outside
the text fields, it got blurred (out of focus, not active). And THEN
you could press i.e C for Clear Field. Yes, yes, good idea. But try
to make a level named, for instance, "colored company" by
Author "chris crumble"!! The level's name will be "oored ompany" and
the Author will be "ri rumbe".
Easy said, the text fields ignores all characters that are used as
Hot Keys. This also applies for the Arrow Keys. Trust me. You can try
for yourself.
Though, Caps letters (C instead of c, and H instead of h) are legal,
as these are not hot keys.
I'm really sorry. The idea was good, but as we thought in the first
place, Hot Keys wouldn't work if they are input. A CTRL in front
(CTRL+C for Clear Field, for example) will do the trick, these are
not needed for input.
Please check what you can do, Jim.