playbacks with the "Import" program. But that would be the only way.
Maybe someone could write a small program to scan old "lvl" & "HS"
files and import the data into another "HS" file if the level name is
the same. It wouldn't be all that hard to write.
I think a few of the level names have changed which would cause us
problems. The worst would be where I have found a name in the temp
file that was the same in the Ltank.lvl file, I would of changed the
name to "name 2" and the import program would look for "name" and
overwrite the wrong high score. I don't know of a way around this
--- In Lasertank@y..., hbsolom@s... wrote:
> First let me add my thanks to Mr. Kindley for inventing LT, and
> Mr. Drouin for maintaining this group.
> Before upgrading to v.4, I completed approx. 90% of the 770
> in v.3. I also completed approx. 90% of the 869 levels in the
> Temp.lvl file dated 15-Dec-00, and the levels in the .lvl files
> downloaded (on 14-Jun-01) from the "LEVELS DATA" page. As you know
> most of these levels were incorporated into the LaserTank.lvl file
> included with v.4. However, my High Scores for these levels were
> copied to the LaserTank.hs file. So, even with "Skip Completed
> Levels" checked, I see more than 1000 levels that I've completed.
> Is there any way to get 'credit' (in LaserTank.hs) for these
> completed levels? In other words, is there a way to copy the High
> Scores from one .hs file (e.g., Temp.hs) to another (e.g.,
> LaserTank.hs)?
> Harvey (DrWiseKing)