Please let me share what I know about the tunnels.
Assuming there are many (two or more) tunnels of the same color.
1) Any movable object (tank, movable block, movable mirror, or anti-tank) that enters one tunnel will emerge at the other tunnel of the same color. The tunnel to be selected as the exit tunnel is scanned from A1 to the right (P1), then A2 to P2, and so on up to P16.
2) If the tank is occupying a tunnel, the tunnel is considered as empty. This tunnel can be an entry or an exit tunnel for other movable object. If this tunnel is the exit of other object, the tank will sit on top of that object. (Even if there are still many empty tunnels but �farther away� from A1.) Example: a) As an entry tunnel: Tutor.lvl #2; b) As an exit tunnel: Tutor.lvl #9. Both levels are Steven�s.
3) If a movable object (tank, movable block, movable mirror, or anti-tank) arrives at the last tunnel available (other tunnels are occupied), it will stay there but waiting for a free tunnel so it can exit. Later, when a (whichever) tunnel becomes free, the object will be sent to this free tunnel. (Even the object is a dead anti-tank.) Example: Tutor.lvl #16. This level is Donald�s.
Suyono H. Yaphar