I closed the poll because now one but for a long time so i though
that all people vote so i decide to close it, but now there were same
votes from suyono and zapala one vote to so there were 2 votes more
for ihab 1 for donald 1 for gerrw and 1 for iron & bartok, well sorry
for closing it before time so here are the real results.
- Ihab Nairi, 5 votes
- Iron&Bartok, 5 votes
- GerrW, 4 votes
- Yono in Jkt, 5 votes
- Donald&Someone, 6 votes
- Gonzalo, 0 votes
- Javi, 1 votes
- Baumann Eduard, 0 votes
- Drafty, 0 votes
- Iron&Magnolia, 1 votes
- Indybob, 0 votes
- JPLima, 0 votes
- HJK, 0 votes
- Jim Arno, 0 votes
- Scott Punshon, 0 votes
- Eric.S, 0 votes
- Mikulka, 0 votes
- Others, 1 votes
Well bye