I�ll be very delightful to have such collection (The LaserTankGold), so I can learn a lot of things out of it. I don�t have selective levels like that because my �driving hours� are so low; I don�t have the capability to solve so many selective �deadly� and �hard� levels. Being a genius is not even in my dream.
When I read (in April 2003) that Vlad Milevski wrote a New Palm version of LaserTank and he rearranged the levels: about 500 �Kids� levels are grouped together, then about 500 �Easy� levels, and so on, I thought, �In the future, someone will do the same thing to the LaserTank. Not just sorting by difficulty ratings from 2030 levels as he did, but selecting from about 10,000 levels (including Sokoban and Special levels).� It looks like the future is near. Great work, Gerry.
Hi Wulfbear:
I was so surprise to know that someone has exactly the same games in the computer: �Kyodai� and �Pretty Good Solitaire�. The other games I have are many chess programs. In the freeware category, �Winboard� is my favorite.
About GHS. You are alone, while there are many GHS hunters who are competing one to each other fiercely. They are the best globally. The more they solve levels, the more astute they are. There are so many possibilities, so it�s difficult to follow what they are doing except if we do the same solution but �forget� something (use tunnels, step on ice or tank movers, use mirrors, push blocks efficiently, etc.)
Suyono H. Yaphar
Gerry W wrote:
wulfbear wrote: