I only know one other language LT: 'ltdutch.zip' that contains 'lasertankdu.exe' and 'LaserTank.hlp'. The zip file is downloadable from 'Misc.' page of the 'File Section'. Perhaps the most work in making LT in other languages is translating the help file.
If there are volunteers to translate LT terms and help file from English to their language, the rest is easy. The level, HS, GHS, and playback files are the same, so the users can share the same enjoyment in their language.
Suyono H. Yaphar
PS: If you surf, NEVER ever visit this: http://lasertank.home-page.org/
Gerry W wrote:
I was surfing the net and noticed LaserTank groups in Norway, Spain,
Portugal, Quebec, And Brazil. Has any one made a version of
LaserTank in another language? I know there is a language kit in the
file section, but has anyone ever used it? Just curious, Gerry