Thank you again for the fabulous collection.
Lately there are some GHS changes in LaserTank.lvl and Challenge-I.lvl. (And Sokoban-I.lvl and Challenge-II.lvl of course.)
In your collection there are 43 changes. I used small program to fix them (LasertankGold.lvl and LasertankGold.ghs). The summary is in LasertankNewGold_GHS.TXT that has GHS-Print.exe�s output format.
In the summary, you can find the origin of the levels: LaserTank.lvl, Challenge-I (has �%� sign in front of the level number), and Sokoban-I (has �$� sign in front of the level number). �G� sign precedes the LasertankGold�s level number.
See the attachment (
As you see, the changes are regarding the GHS scores, the difficulty ratings, and one author�s name.
Have a nice weekend.
Suyono H. Yaphar
Gerry W wrote:
Here is the file, please remember, these are only my choices, and I made
this file when there were only 1500 levels or so, so a LOT of really
good levels aren't included, :-) Gerry