Tutor-with-Playbacks was introduced on
December 24, 2004. It has 112 levels and
it's almost stable now.
Probably it needs one more month to
stabilize, including revising the ReadMe
file. Of course, better lpbs, new
tricks, and shortcut eliminations are
always welcomed as long as the package
is available for downloading.
After the July version (one month after
this June version), probably we may
start thinking of the French version
(ReadMe file and the Hints,) assuming
there's volunteer to translate them.
Language problem can't be
underestimated. When looking for some
sokoban websites, I found some of them
in German. I had difficulty when I
couln't find the word "download" or
something like that. Some good sokoban
programs are also in German (one of them
is in DOS and has a unique rule, i.e.
the block on the paint area becomes
floor; another program has more than 50
level sets or thousands of well known
levels, but we must solve the levels in
order in a level set.) Finally, I found
a very good LT website of Manfred Sauke
because it's bilingual (English and
German.) LT Help file is in German
there. There are also solutions
(click on "lösungen") of some LaserTank
and Challenge-II levels in two
languages. That's a kind of helpful
tutorial, especially for those who
understand German or English.