give my opinion.
Level 102
I only noticed this bug recently and I didn't know that it couldn't
be used in normal levels. Sorry.
Get rid of the level if you want.
Suyono, I had a look at your modified versions of the levels. What
you've done is remove every simultaneous event so that the levels
are very simple. But the fact is, while the tank moves around on a
tankmover, many things can happen; many objects can be shot.
Objects can appear to approach simultaneously.
Level 99
What I'm talking about here is a `perfectly timed' collision, with 2
objects approaching a square at EXACTLY the same time (at least
according to how it looks on the screen). I emphasized that in the
hint (I said "occupy same square", ie. at the same square at the
same time). I haven't found an exception to the rule in the hint.
Tell me if you find one.
Suyono's modified #99
The one on the left is a completely different situation. The tank
obviously reaches D3 before the block. They don't want to occupy
the same square at the same time.
The right hand collision is the type of one I'm talking about. The
hint explains the result. The tank stops.
Level 101
You say "Don't expect concurrent events here",
but why not? We see them as concurrent events, don't we?
You also say,
"The objects enter the tunnels one at a time (sequentially)".
Maybe you mean things within the program. But we definitely see
them as simultaneous (we don't see what happens between the
frames). You can't say that one object is closer to the tunnel than
another, so how do you know which one will exit at the first free
tunnel. Again the object that's been moving for a shorter amount of
time will have priority (enter first).
I think it's best to say they enter at the same time because that's
how we see it. They exit in a particular order but simultaneously
(as we see it).
Suyono's modified #101
This is a different situation. Nothing simultaneous here. Obviously
the object will exit at the first free tunnel.
This is NOT slow motion of my level. It's different.
Level 100
This should really be after level 101.
You say, "The objects CAN'T reach the tunnels at the same time."
But they obviously do in this case (you can see them perfectly
aligned as they move across the screen). So they CAN.
All the objects enter different tunnels but they want to exit at the
same tunnel. Your modified level breaks this move into three
separate stages. Again we're talking about different situations.