LT 72 Lock'n Load - Jim Kindley
LT 76 A Splash of Everything - Blake Ormand&Brent Briggs
LT 78 Hell Tanks - Eric Whiteman
LT 91 twin peaks - Ingo Roschger
LT 99 Tricks and Traps - Manzi
LT 114 Death Trap? - Chris Kaeser
LT 138 A Bridge Too Far - Hsiang-Ping Chu
LT 140 Second Version - Kheper
LT 141 so near so far - glaud
LT 160 Water World II - Jim Kindley
LT 192 Hard - Ivosh
LT 212 The Turn - Ivosh
LT 213 The Crystal Skull - Ivosh
LT 275 Derailment - Jim Kindley ( I still haven't solved this one)
LT 340 Never Fiddle with the Middle - Justin Sojda
LT 341 NEVER SURRENDER - Justin Sojda
LT 344 1-2-3-4 - Mikulka
LT 349 Wet Corridor - Ivosh
LT 353 Three Flags - Ivosh
LT 360 SOS - Amaury Sanches
LT 402 Sez who? - James Smith
LT 417 The 5th Corner - Dominik
LT 422 The great castle - Louis Schonberger
LT 429 Battle Beside the River - Justin Powers
LT 613 Fantastic 3 - Igor Lisinski
LT 644 The Unforgiving - Mike Dickheiser
LT 671 Flower - i.igor
LT 675 Simply - i.igor
LT 679 Super G - i.igor
LT 805 First Part: Save Helper - Loco (rated easy but could be Medium)
LT 810 Crazy Blocks - THZ
LT 878 Symmetricallity - J.J.Rowe
LT 900 Florida Keys with Tolls - horst ledpeddle
LT 906 USS Enterprise - Kheper
LT 923 Heart of Glass - Constructivista
LT 925 Cross Yer Heart - Constructivista
LT 948 Les outils suspendus - Kheper
LT 952 Labyrinth II - Zoran Radojevic
LT 958 Effective defence - Mikulka
LT 959 Many boxes in two rooms - Mikulka
LT 963 Solar Ride - DjKovach
LT 964 Road to Hell - DjKovach
LT 968 Aisle Tour - MingS
LT 1049 Cubiform - Vanesa Perovic
LT 1082 brave heart - Johnlu
LT 1090 Spirachete - Constructivista
LT 1132 He shot his way out - Vanesa Perovic
LT 1356 Ha Ha Ha !!! No 5 - Chae. Sang Hun
LT 1386 BackTrack - Will Assaf
LT 1389 Weakbrick - Kaj Malachowski
LT 1495 Climber 3 - Ron Meijer
LT 1521 The Awkward - THZ
LT 1524 The Point of no Return - Funnybunny
LT 1529 The Escape II - Funnybunny
LT 1643 Ciao ! - Tere
LT 1648 Tee for two - Tere
LT 1675 Frog - Funnybunny
LT 1730 Flip, slide & pray - David Paterson
LT 1743 PIZZA-HUT - Manfred Sauke
LT 1851 A little easy one - G.E.Meyerfeld
LT 1969 The Big X - FB
LT 1976 The Spy - Kheper (still haven't solved this one)
CH 29 Sank Tinks in Liver of Rife - Eric Schmidt
CH 199 Frozen Swamp - Ron Meijer
CH 211 Windmills Of The Gods - Rahul Batra
CH 447 Beam Me Up - Spug
CH 458 Ice-Ban - James Hallam
CH 619 Game # 004 - G.E.Meyerfeld
CH 695 African journey - Tere
CH 696 Agora - Tere
CH 733 The Recruit - The Little One
CH 894 Heat of Memali - Kamarul Zaman
CH 904 thick and thin ice - enaj
CH 936 Hoola's Fortress - eRic
CH 1008 Rage of Ice - Rahul Batra
CH 1177 XTREEM RYDER - Yogesh
CH 1244 Miscellany 24 - Alex Itkes
CH 1277 Lost in Space - Rahul Batra
CH 1279 The Third Eye Of Shiva - Rahul Batra
CH 1333 S-C'Ape - Kheper (Haven't solved)
CH 1378 Flip-Flap - Sven Egevad
CH 1390 Full Power! - Sven Egevad
CH 1460 Navy Seals - The Little One
I found it extremely hard to pick, in the end I came up with 107
levels, and I KNOW I missed several but I started to go cross-eyed
after hitting the "s" key a thousand times, and I wasn't even halfway
thru. Also I don't usually do the Kids and Easy levels so they aren't
represented. I could easily have another 20 or 30 levels, but if an
author had a series of four or five, I usually just picked the one I
liked best, but I suppose I should have put them all in. Gerry