I have attempted to create 1 file, but it did not work.
I got a strange message while importing files.
I ended up with 2 files.
Thaks anyway!
--- In Lasertank@y..., Donald Drouin <ducky@g...> wrote:
> Thank you Simeon, you wrote exactly what I think too.
> One more thing Paula, if you create for yourself a big levels
file, your High Scores file and your Playback files for the levels
above the first 2030 levels (Lasertank.lvl), will not match anymore
the official levels files (Challenge-I, Challenge-II and Sokoban-I)
> Donald
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: tlosv
> To: Lasertank@y...
> Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 9:14 AM
> Subject: Re: all levels
> It's possible. You should use the ltedit40.exe program
> from the Utility page - I think) and load all the level files in it
> and save it as one file, for example named: All.lvl (make sure you
> don't mess up the scores, though). But the levels won't be fused
> one file on the LaserTank website as the LaserTank.lvl is in the
> installation program and the other files can be downloaded from the
> Levels page. Also, Donald would then have to manage a file with
> than 5000 levels and the LPB files, which isn't an easy task, I
> think. It's better for him to manage files from 2000 levels max.
> Simeon
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was wondering if the possibility excist to create 1 file of all
> the
> > levels, so you have only 1 game to play, the total levels.
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > Paula
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